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Alex Johnston

Verstappen, Jeddah and MP4/4: 10 More Questions to a Racing Driver with Joseph Loake

My next returning guest is none other than Joseph Loake, who's been announced to race in the GB3 Championship this year!

I spoke with Joseph last year when he was driving in British F4, where he scooped 4 wins, 9 podiums and 5th place overall, and now moves up to GB3.

📸 Joseph on track.

Onto Joseph's answers!

1. Who’s your racing hero or heroes? Ayrton Senna and Max Verstappen for the reason of their raw talent and aggression.

📸 The current world champion, Max Verstappen.

2. What’s the first memory you have of  racing? Winning the class 11 NatSKA championship was pretty cool for a first memory. it was in my first year of racing, and while it was only a small championship it was still really good fun and a big achievement for me at the time.

3. What’s the best car you’ve driven so far? The GB3 car is by far the best car ive ever driven. it is so well built and is such a quick car so it makes driving it an absolute dream.

4. What’s your proudest moment so far? My dominant race weekend in the final round of British F4 at Brands Hatch GP was something I was very proud of. Picking up my first pole in single seaters and going on to win both races with fastest lap is something I could only dream of going into that weekend.

📸 Ready for action.

5. Your favourite overtake you’ve ever done? This is a hard one, but my favourite overtake would probably be on Daniel Guinchard at Thruxton in Round 6 of the 2022 British F4 Championship. It was a lunge from very far back and after the race I'd had up to that point it was nice to get that move done and kind of say ‘if youre gonna fight me this hard, i’ll fight back even harder’.

📸 Joseph, No.84, at Thruxton.

6. Would you rather race on a street course or on an oval? Street circuit any day of the week. I would love to drive around a track such as Long Beach or Jeddah, as these types of tracks are the ones where the driver makes the difference.

📸 High speed, close to the walls and technical, Jeddah has been referred to as 'Monza with walls'.

7. If you could pick any teammate, past or present, who would you choose? Ayrton Senna, no doubt about it.

📸 No explanation required.

8. No gym, no sim, no travel, no racing; how would you spend a whole day off? Honestly I love food so I would quite enjoy just having a day of chilling and eating! 😂

9. If you could drive any race car, past or present, what car would you choose? This is a tricky one to answer. it would have to be between the Ferrari F2004, the McLaren MP4/4, or the Mazda 787B. they are all very iconic cars and all of them would be a privilege to get behind the wheel of.

📸 Mazda 787B, driven by the likes of Stefan Johansson, Johnny Herbert and Bertrand Gachot.

10. What’s the strangest thing to happen to you while you’ve been in the car? Nothing too strange has really happened if I'm honest. Usually when I'm in the car one of 3 things is happening: I'm either fast, slow, or I need the toilet!😂

Thanks to Joseph for another good round of questions! Let's again hope we can chat more sometime! Best of luck to him in this year's GB3 Championship, where he'll face off against tough competition including Chinese F4 champion Gerrard Xie, British F4 champion Alex Dunne, as well as GB4 runner up Jarrod Waberski and Red Bull Junior Team driver Souta Arao.

📸 Image credits: Joseph Loake, RoKit British F4, GB3 Championship, Formula Motorsport Limited, 24h du Mans.

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